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Our technical advising service will find the solution you need when preparing your industrial ventilation projects.

At SODECA, we offer technical advising services for industrial and commercial ventilation projects and air treatment projects. Our team of highly qualified experts has extensive experience in the design, installation and maintenance of ventilation and air treatment systems, and they are engaged in providing personalised and efficient solutions for the needs of every customer.

Our advising services include evaluations of ventilation and air treatment needs, the design of personalised systems, installation and commissioning, preventive and corrective maintenance and continuous technical advice. We work closely with our customers to understand their needs and to offer innovative and efficient solutions that maximise the efficiency and productivity of their company.

There are many benefits from working with SODECA. Our experience and technical knowledge can help to optimise the performance of your ventilation and air treatment system, which can result in increased energy efficiency, better indoor air quality and a reduction of long-term maintenance and repair costs. Our approach of personalised technical advising can offer significant benefits to your company regarding efficiency, productivity and profitability. Don't hesitate to contact us using the following form.

Technical study

To perform a technical study of ventilation, our team of experts will perform a comprehensive inspection of the space, they will identify the ventilation needs and they will design a personalised system that complies with ventilation standards while optimising energy efficiency.

Preliminary analysis of the space to be evaluated.
Technical study of your ventilation needs.
Technical proposal with the best solution.
Quotation of the equipment to be installed.

Request your personalised advising